
kotlin-faker provides additional functionality outside of data generation from static .yml dictionaries.


Random instance of any class

It is possible to create a random instance of (almost) any class.

There are some rules to keep in mind:

  • By default, the constructor with the least number of arguments is used (This can be configured - read on.)
  • kolin.Array type in the constructor is not supported at the moment
  • Inner classes (either direct generation or as class parameter type) are not supported at the moment

Random instance generation is available through Faker().randomProvider:

class Foo(val a: String)
class Bar(val foo: Foo)

val foo: Foo = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance()
val bar: Bar = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance()


Random Class Instance Configuration

Random Class Instance configuration can be applied on several levels. Consider the following classes:

class Foo
data class Bar(val int: Int, val uuid: UUID)
data class Baz(val foo: Foo, val bar: Bar, val string: String)

Configuration via FakerConfig

This takes the least precedence and applies to all instances (see Making a copy/new instance of RandomClassProvider) of RandomClassProvider if set.

val cfg = fakerConfig {
    randomClassInstance {
        typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")) }
val f = Faker(cfg)
val baz: Baz = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
assertEquals(baz.bar, Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")))
val anotherBaz = f.randomClass.new().randomClassInstance<Baz>()
assertEquals(anotherBaz.bar, Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")))

Configuration via Faker#randomProvider

This takes higher precedence and will also merge any configuration that was set on the previous level.

val cfg = fakerConfig {
    randomClassInstance {
        typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")) }
val f = Faker(cfg).also {
    it.randomClass.configure {
        typeGenerator<UUID> { UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") }

val bar: Bar = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance()
val baz: Baz = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance()
assertEquals(bar.uuid, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"))
assertEquals(baz.bar, Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")))

Configuration via randomClassInstance function

This configuration takes the most precedence and does not take into account configurations applied on other levels.

faker.randomClass.configure {
    typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")) }
val baz: Baz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(1, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) }
assertEquals(baz.bar, Bar(1, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")))


Pre-Configuring type generation

Predefined types for constructor parameters

Some, or all, of the constructor params can be instantiated with values following some pre-configured logic using typeGenerator or namedParameterGenerator functions. Consider the following example:

class Baz(val id: Int, val uuid: UUID, val relatedUuid: UUID, val user: String)

val baz: Baz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    typeGenerator<UUID> { UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") }
    typeGenerator<Int> { 0 }
    typeGenerator<String> { parameterInfo -> "${parameterInfo.name}_${randomString()}" }
    namedParameterGenerator("relatedUuid") { UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111") }

So for each instance of Baz the following will be true:

baz.id == 0
baz.user == "user_X3a8s813dcb"
baz.uuid == UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
baz.relatedUuid == UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")

This example itself does not make that much sense, since we're using "static" values, but we could also do something like:

val baz: Baz = faker.randomProvider.randomClassInstance {
    typeGenerator<UUID> { UUID.randomUUID() }

...or even so:

class Person(val id: Int, val name: String)

val person: Person = faker.randomProvider.randomClassInstance {
    typeGenerator<String> { faker.name.name() }

Pre-defined instance for classes with no public constructors

By default, randomClassInstance can't generate classes with no public constructors, but this can be worked around by using typeGenerator:

faker.randomProvider.randomClassInstance<Instant> {
    typeGenerator<Instant> { Instant.now() }

You could also use the same approach to create interfaces, for example:

interface TestInterface {
  val id: Int
  val name: String

val testInterface = randomProvider.randomClassInstance<TestInterface> {
  typeGenerator<TestInterface> {
    object : TestInterface {
      override val id: Int = 42
      override val name: String = "Deep Thought"

testInterface.id shouldBe 42
testInterface.name shouldBe "Deep Thought"

A random class instance will be generated using the following precedence rules:

  • object instance
  • "default instance" of a class
  • "predefined instance" of a class if no public constructors are found
  • failing all of the above, NoSuchElementException will be thrown


Predefined collection element types

It may be desirable to define how elements of a Collection (currently supports Lists and Sets) constructor parameter type are generated, for this collectionElementTypeGenerator function can be used:

fun randomListString() = "list"
fun randomString() = "string"

class Baz(val list: List<String>, val set: Set<String>)

val baz: Baz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    collectionElementTypeGenerator<String> {
        // customize generators for different collection types
        if ((it.type.classifier as KClass<*>) == List::class) {
            // generate random string elements for parameters of List<String> type
        } else {
            // generate random string elements for parameters of Set type

So for each instance of Baz the following will be true:

baz.list.all { it == "list" }
baz.set.all {it == "string" }

This example kind of makes little sense, since we're using "static" values, so it's just for example purposes.


Note how we can use it.type.classifier to figure out the parameter classifier and further customize generation for different collection types.

Explore other properties of it, which exposes more details about the parameter that is being customized.

There are also two similar methods for map entries: mapEntryKeyTypeGenerator and mapEntryValueTypeGenerator, which can be used to configure how keys and values are generated in Map constructor parameter types:

class Baz(val map: Map<String, String>)

val baz: Baz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    mapEntryKeyTypeGenerator { randomKey() }
    mapEntryValueTypeGenerator { randomValue() }

Nullable collection element types are also supported (but note that nulls as values are never returned):

data class Nullable(val ints: List<Int?>, val longs: Set<Long?>, val map: Map<Char?, String?>)
val nullable = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Nullable> {
    collectionsSize = 10
    collectionElementTypeGenerator<Int?> { if (faker.random.nextBoolean()) null else 42 }
    collectionElementTypeGenerator<Long?> { if (!faker.random.nextBoolean()) 0L else null }
    mapEntryKeyTypeGenerator<Char> { faker.random.randomValue(listOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')) }
    mapEntryValueTypeGenerator<String?> { if (faker.random.nextBoolean()) null else "foo" }
nullable.ints shouldContain 42
// we allow nullable values, but `null` as a value will never be returned
nullable.ints shouldNotContain null
// with above config, if nextBoolean returns false, we say "return null",
// but since nulls are never returned as value, all nulls will be returned as random instance,
// hence we won't have all 42's
nullable.ints shouldNot containOnly(42)

nullable.longs shouldContain 0L
nullable.longs shouldNotContain null
nullable.longs shouldNot containOnly(0L)

nullable.map.keys shouldNotContain null
nullable.map.keys shouldContainAnyOf listOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')
nullable.map.values shouldNotContain null
nullable.map.values shouldContain "foo"
nullable.map.values shouldNot containOnly("foo")

Deterministic constructor selection

By default, the constructor with the least number of args is used when creating a random instance of the class. This might not always be desirable and can be configured. Consider the following example:

class Foo
class Bar(val int: Int)
class Baz(val foo: Foo, val string: String)
class FooBarBaz {
    var foo: Foo? = null
        private set
    var bar: Bar? = null
        private set
    var baz: Baz? = null
        private set

    constructor(foo: Foo) {
        this.foo = foo

    constructor(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) : this(foo) {
        this.bar = bar

    constructor(foo: Foo, bar: Bar, baz: Baz) : this(foo, bar) {
        this.baz = baz

If there is a need to use the constructor with 3 arguments when creating an instance of FooBarBaz, we can do it like so:

val fooBarBaz: FooBarBaz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    constructorParamSize = 3
    fallbackStrategy = FallbackStrategy.USE_MAX_NUM_OF_ARGS
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.foo, null)
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.bar, null)
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.baz, null)

In the above example, FooBarBaz will be instantiated with the first discovered constructor that has parameters.size == 3; if there are multiple constructors that satisfy this condition - a random one will be used. Failing that (for example, if there is no such constructor), a constructor with the maximum number of arguments will be used to create an instance of the class.

Alternatively to constructorParamSize, a constructorFilterStrategy config property can be used as well:

val fooBarBaz: FooBarBaz = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance {
    constructorFilterStrategy = ConstructorFilterStrategy.MAX_NUM_OF_ARGS
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.foo, null)
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.bar, null)
assertNotEquals(fooBarBaz.baz, null)

The above has the following rules:

  • constructorParamSize config property takes precedence over constructorFilterStrategy
  • both can be specified at the same time, though in most cases it probably makes more sense to use fallbackStrategy with constructorParamSize as it just makes things a bit more readable
  • configuration properties that are set in randomClassInstance block will be applied to all "children" classes. For example classes Foo, Bar, and Baz will use the same random instance configuration settings when instances of those classes are created in FooBarBaz class.


Configuring the size of generated Collections

Support for kotlin.collections.Collection parameter types - List, Set and Map has been added in version 1.9.0 and with that - a new configuration parameter to configure the size of the generated collection.

By default, all collections will be generated with only 1 element:

class Foo(
    val list: List<String>,
    val set: Set<String>,
    val map: Map<String, Int>

val foo = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Foo>()

assertEquals(foo.list.size, 1)
assertEquals(foo.set.size, 1)
assertEquals(foo.map.size, 1)

This can be configured using collectionsSize parameter:

class Foo(
    val list: List<String>,
    val set: Set<String>,
    val map: Map<String, Int>

val foo = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Foo> {
    collectionsSize = 6

assertEquals(foo.list.size, 6)
assertEquals(foo.set.size, 6)
assertEquals(foo.map.size, 6)


Note that the collectionsSize configuration parameter affects all 3 types of Collections.


It is also worth noting that typeGenerator<Foo> { ... } configuration, which was covered above, will not affect Foo typed elements in a generated collection.

Consider the following example. If typeGenerator<String> { "a string" } would affect String typed elements of Set, the resulting generated set would be of size 1:

class TestClass(
    val string: String,
    val set: Set<String>

val testClass = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance<TestClass> {
    typeGenerator { "a string" }
    collectionsSize = 10

assertEquals(testClass.string, "a string")
assertEquals(testClass.set.size, 10)

At the same time, typeGenerator configurator itself can be used with collections as well:

class Foo
class Bar(
    val list: List<Foo>,
    val set: Set<String>,
    val map: Map<String, Int>

val bar = faker.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Bar> {
    typeGenerator { emptyList<Foo>() }
    typeGenerator { setOf("one", "two", "fortytwo") }
    typeGenerator { mapOf("pwd" to 12177) }
assertEquals(bar.list, emptyList<Foo>())
assertEquals(bar.set, setOf("one", "two", "fortytwo"))
assertEquals(bar.map, mapOf("pwd" to 12177))


Making a new instance of Random Class Provider

RandomClassProvider has two functions: new and copy, that allow you to create another instance of the class, for example, a one that has a different type generation configuration.

New Instance

To make a new instance of randomProvider:

val cfg = fakerConfig {
    randomClassInstance { // ❶
        typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(1, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) }
val f = Faker(cfg)
f.randomClass.configure { // ❷
    typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")) }
val new = f.randomClass.new() // ❸
val baz: Baz = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
val newBaz: Baz = new.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
assertEquals(Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")), baz.bar)
assertEquals(Bar(1, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")), newBaz.bar)


Any configuration set via fakerConfig ( ❶ ), will be applied to the new instance ( ❸ ) as well. Any configuration set via faker.randomProvider instance ( ❷ ) is NOT applied to the new instance.

Instance Copy

To make a copy of an existing instance of randomProvider:

val cfg = fakerConfig { // ❶
    randomClassInstance {
        typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(1, UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) }
val f = Faker(cfg)
f.randomClass.configure { // ❷
    typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")) }
val copy = f.randomClass.copy() // ❸
val baz: Baz = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
val bazCopy: Baz = copy.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
assertEquals(Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")), baz.bar)
assertEquals(Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")), bazCopy.bar)

copy.configure { // ❹
    typeGenerator<Bar> { Bar(0, UUID.fromString("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222")) }
val originalBaz: Baz = f.randomClass.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
val reconfiguredBazCopy = copy.randomClassInstance<Baz>()
assertEquals(Bar(42, UUID.fromString("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111")), originalBaz.bar)
assertEquals(Bar(0, UUID.fromString("22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222")), reconfiguredBazCopy.bar)


Any configuration that was already applied to faker.randomProvider ( ❶ and ❷ ), will be applied to the copy ( ❸ ) as well.

The copy, just as new instance, can of course be reconfigured ( ❹ ) as needed, which does not affect the configuration of the faker.randomProvider or configurations of other "copies".


Dealing with Generic Types

Generic parameter types are not fully supported at this moment due to type-erasure on the JVM (See also https://github.com/serpro69/kotlin-faker/issues/191)


Random Everything

Faker provides its wrapper functions around java.util.Random (with some additional functionality that is not covered by java.util.Random) through Faker().random property.

Wrappers around java.util.Random

faker.random.nextInt(bound = 100)
faker.random.nextInt(min = 100, max = 999)
faker.random.nextInt(intRange = (0..99))
faker.random.nextLetter(upper = false)

Random Enum Instance

enum class Foo {

faker.random.nextEnum(enum = Foo::class.java)
faker.random.nextEnum(values = Foo.values())
faker.random.nextEnum(enum = Foo::class.java) { it != Foo.ONE }

Random Strings

    length = 42,
    numericalChars = false

    length = 24,
    locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("nb-NO"),
    indexChars = true,
    auxiliaryChars = true,
    punctuationChars = true,
    numericalChars = true,

Random sub-lists and sub-sets

val list = List(100) { it }
faker.random.randomSublist(list, size = 10, shuffled = true)
faker.random.randomSublist(list, sizeRange = 6..42, shuffled = true)

val set = setOf(*List(100) { it }.toTypedArray())
faker.random.randomSubset(set, size = 10, shuffled = true)
faker.random.randomSubset(set, sizeRange = 66..99, shuffled = true)

Random element from a list/array

val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)

Random UUID


Unique Random Values

Just like most data providers, Faker#random supports generation of unique values. See Generator of Unique Values page for usage details.

Both "local" (provider level) and "global" (faker level) generation of unique values are supported for RandomProvider:

val ints = List(21) {
assert(ints.distinct().size == 21)
// cleanup of unique values via enum key for nextInt function

faker.unique.configuration { enable(faker::random) }
val uniqueInts = List(21) {
assert(uniqueInts.distinct().size == 21)
// cleanup global unique values for Random provider
// disable global unique values for Random provider
faker.unique.configuration { disable(faker::random) }
val ints = List(21) {
assert(ints.distinct().size < 21)


Random Strings from Templates

Faker's StringProvider allows for replacing certain user-defined parts of strings with randomly generated chars (letters and digits), as well as generating strings from regex expressions. The following functions are available withing the Faker().string:

faker.string.numerify("123###").all { it.isDigit() } shouldBe true
faker.string.letterify("foo???").all { it.isLetter() } shouldBe true
faker.string.letterify("???BAR", true).all { it.isUpperCase() } shouldBe true
faker.string.letterify("???bar", false).all { it.isLowerCase() } shouldBe true
faker.string.regexify("""\d{42}""").all { it.isDigit() } shouldBe true
faker.string.regexify("""\d{42}""").length shouldBe 42
