
Dictionary file
        buzzwords: ["etc. etc.", "put a pin in it", "t-shirt sizes", "heavy lifting", "circle back", "two-way street", "data points", "out of the box", "get value out of the conversation", "penetrate the market", "plug and chug", "deep dive", "SWAG", "bucketize it", "sales funnel", "market share", "impact map", "growth unit", "tee it up", "make it actionable", "put a bow on it", "give you some time back", "bandwidth-constrained", "had to 'punt' on that", "home stretch", "get a pulse on", "value add", "expansion play", "rubber meets the road", "sprint to the finish line", "button up the loose ends", "heads down", "learnings", "ideate", "customer journey", "buying cycle", "synergy", "snackable content", "thought leader", "thought leadership", "immersive experience", "value proposition", "gamification", "agile marketing", "infographic", "granular", "streamline", "swim lane", "best practice", "bleeding edge", "out of pocket", "let's take this offline", "branding"]
Available Functions
Faker().marketing.buzzwords() // => put a pin in it