
Dictionary file
          - Acquire Hardware
          - Adventuring Time
          - Ahoy!
          - Alternative Fuel
          - Archer
          - Artificial Selection
          - Atlantis?
          - Bake Bread
          - Beam Me Up
          - Bee our guest
          - Benchmaking
          - Body Guard
          - Bullseye
          - Buy Low, Sell High
          - Camouflage
          - Castaway
          - Cheating Death
          - Chestful of Cobblestone
          - Cover me in debris
          - Cow Tipper
          - Delicious Fish
          - Diamonds to you!
          - DIAMONDS!
          - Disenchanted
          - Dispense With This
          - Do a Barrel Roll!
          - Dry Spell
          - Echolocation
          - Enchanter
          - Feeling Ill
          - Free Diver
          - Freight Station
          - Fruit on the Loom
          - Getting an Upgrade
          - Getting Wood
          - Great View From Up Here
          - Have a Shearful Day
          - Hot Topic
          - Hot tourist destination
          - I am a Marine Biologist
          - I've got a bad feeling about this
          - Inception
          - Into Fire
          - Into the Nether
          - Iron Belly
          - Iron Man
          - It's a Sign!
          - Kill the Beast!
          - Leader Of The Pack
          - Let it Go!
          - Librarian
          - Lion Hunter
          - Local Brewery
          - Map Room
          - Master Trader
          - Me Gold!
          - MOAR Tools
          - Monster Hunter
          - Moskstraumen
          - On A Rail
          - One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
          - Oooh, shiny!
          - Organizational Wizard
          - Overkill
          - Overpowered
          - Passing the Time
          - Plethora of Cats
          - Pork Chop
          - Pot Planter
          - Rabbit Season
          - Rainbow Collection
          - Renewable Energy
          - Repopulation
          - Return to Sender
          - Saddle Up
          - Sail the 7 Seas
          - Sleep with the Fishes
          - Smelt Everything!
          - Sniper Duel
          - So I Got That Going for Me
          - Sound the Alarm!
          - Stayin' Frosty
          - Sticky Situation
          - Super Fuel
          - Super Sonic
          - Taking Inventory
          - Taste of Your Own Medicine
          - The Beaconator
          - The Beginning?
          - The Beginning.
          - The Deep End
          - The End?
          - The End.
          - The End... Again...
          - The Haggler
          - The Lie
          - Tie Dye Outfit
          - Time for Stew
          - Time to Farm!
          - Time to Mine!
          - Time to Strike!
          - Top of the World
          - Total Beelocation
          - Trampoline
          - Treasure Hunter
          - We're being attacked!
          - When Pigs Fly
          - Where Have You Been?
          - You Need a Mint
          - Zombie Doctor
          - Zoologist
          - Badlands
          - Badlands Plateau
          - Bamboo Jungle
          - Bamboo Jungle Hills
          - Basalt Deltas
          - Beach
          - Birch Forest
          - Birch Forest Hills
          - Cold Ocean
          - Crimson Forest
          - Dark Forest
          - Dark Forest Hills
          - Deep Cold Ocean
          - Deep Frozen Ocean
          - Deep Lukewarm Ocean
          - Deep Ocean
          - Deep Warm Ocean
          - Desert
          - Desert Hills
          - Desert Lakes
          - End Barrens
          - End Highlands
          - End Midlands
          - Eroded Badlands
          - Flower Forest
          - Forest
          - Frozen Ocean
          - Frozen River
          - Giant Spruce Taiga
          - Giant Spruce Taiga Hills
          - Giant Tree Taiga
          - Giant Tree Taiga Hills
          - Gravelly Mountains
          - Gravelly Mountains+
          - Ice Spikes
          - Jungle
          - Jungle Edge
          - Jungle Hills
          - Lukewarm Ocean
          - Modified Badlands Plateau
          - Modified Jungle
          - Modified Jungle Edge
          - Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau
          - Mountain Edge
          - Mountains
          - Mushroom Field Shore
          - Mushroom Fields
          - Nether Wastes
          - Ocean
          - Plains
          - River
          - Savanna
          - Savanna Plateau
          - Shattered Savanna
          - Shattered Savanna Plateau
          - Small End Islands
          - Snowy Beach
          - Snowy Mountains
          - Snowy Taiga
          - Snowy Taiga Hills
          - Snowy Taiga Mountains
          - Snowy Tundra
          - Soul Sand Valley
          - Stone Shore
          - Sunflower Plains
          - Swamp
          - Swamp Hills
          - Taiga
          - Taiga Hills
          - Taiga Mountains
          - Tall Birch Forest
          - Tall Birch Hills
          - The End
          - The Voi
          - Warm Ocean
          - Warped Forest
          - Wooded Badlands Plateau
          - Wooded Hills
          - Wooded Mountains
          - Stone
          - Granite
          - Polished Granite
          - Diorite
          - Polished Diorite
          - Andesite
          - Polished Andesite
          - Grass
          - Dirt
          - Coarse Dirt
          - Podzol
          - Cobblestone
          - Oak Wood Plank
          - Spruce Wood Plank
          - Birch Wood Plank
          - Jungle Wood Plank
          - Acacia Wood Plank
          - Dark Oak Wood Plank
          - Oak Sapling
          - Spruce Sapling
          - Birch Sapling
          - Jungle Sapling
          - Acacia Sapling
          - Dark Oak Sapling
          - Bedrock
          - Flowing Water
          - Still Water
          - Flowing Lava
          - Still Lava
          - Sand
          - Red Sand
          - Gravel
          - Gold Ore
          - Iron Ore
          - Coal Ore
          - Oak Wood
          - Spruce Wood
          - Birch Wood
          - Jungle Wood
          - Oak Leaves
          - Spruce Leaves
          - Birch Leaves
          - Jungle Leaves
          - Sponge
          - Wet Sponge
          - Glass
          - Lapis Lazuli Ore
          - Lapis Lazuli Block
          - Dispenser
          - Sandstone
          - Chiseled Sandstone
          - Smooth Sandstone
          - Note Block
          - Bed
          - Powered Rail
          - Detector Rail
          - Sticky Piston
          - Cobweb
          - Dead Shrub
          - Grass
          - Fern
          - Dead Bush
          - Piston
          - Piston Head
          - White Wool
          - Orange Wool
          - Magenta Wool
          - Light Blue Wool
          - Yellow Wool
          - Lime Wool
          - Pink Wool
          - Gray Wool
          - Light Gray Wool
          - Cyan Wool
          - Purple Wool
          - Blue Wool
          - Brown Wool
          - Green Wool
          - Red Wool
          - Black Wool
          - Dandelion
          - Poppy
          - Blue Orchid
          - Allium
          - Azure Bluet
          - Red Tulip
          - Orange Tulip
          - White Tulip
          - Pink Tulip
          - Oxeye Daisy
          - Brown Mushroom
          - Red Mushroom
          - Gold Block
          - Iron Block
          - Double Stone Slab
          - Double Sandstone Slab
          - Double Wooden Slab
          - Double Cobblestone Slab
          - Double Brick Slab
          - Double Stone Brick Slab
          - Double Nether Brick Slab
          - Double Quartz Slab
          - Stone Slab
          - Sandstone Slab
          - Wooden Slab
          - Cobblestone Slab
          - Brick Slab
          - Stone Brick Slab
          - Nether Brick Slab
          - Quartz Slab
          - Bricks
          - TNT
          - Bookshelf
          - Moss Stone
          - Obsidian
          - Torch
          - Fire
          - Monster Spawner
          - Oak Wood Stairs
          - Chest
          - Redstone Wire
          - Diamond Ore
          - Diamond Block
          - Crafting Table
          - Wheat Crops
          - Farmland
          - Furnace
          - Burning Furnace
          - Standing Sign Block
          - Oak Door Block
          - Ladder
          - Rail
          - Cobblestone Stairs
          - Wall-mounted Sign Block
          - Lever
          - Stone Pressure Plate
          - Iron Door Block
          - Wooden Pressure Plate
          - Redstone Ore
          - Glowing Redstone Ore
          - Stone Button
          - Snow
          - Ice
          - Snow Block
          - Cactus
          - Clay
          - Sugar Canes
          - Jukebox
          - Oak Fence
          - Pumpkin
          - Netherrack
          - Soul Sand
          - Glowstone
          - Nether Portal
          - Jack o'Lantern
          - Cake Block
          - Redstone Repeater Block off)
          - Redstone Repeater Block on)
          - White Stained Glass
          - Orange Stained Glass
          - Magenta Stained Glass
          - Light Blue Stained Glass
          - Yellow Stained Glass
          - Lime Stained Glass
          - Pink Stained Glass
          - Gray Stained Glass
          - Light Gray Stained Glass
          - Cyan Stained Glass
          - Purple Stained Glass
          - Blue Stained Glass
          - Brown Stained Glass
          - Green Stained Glass
          - Red Stained Glass
          - Black Stained Glass
          - Wooden Trapdoor
          - Stone Monster Egg
          - Cobblestone Monster Egg
          - Stone Brick Monster Egg
          - Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg
          - Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg
          - Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg
          - Stone Bricks
          - Mossy Stone Bricks
          - Cracked Stone Bricks
          - Chiseled Stone Bricks
          - Brown Mushroom Block
          - Red Mushroom Block
          - Iron Bars
          - Glass Pane
          - Melon Block
          - Pumpkin Stem
          - Melon Stem
          - Vines
          - Oak Fence Gate
          - Brick Stairs
          - Stone Brick Stairs
          - Mycelium
          - Lily Pad
          - Nether Brick
          - Nether Brick Fence
          - Aqua Affinity
          - Bane of Arthropods
          - Blast Protection
          - Channeling
          - Cleaving
          - Curse of Binding
          - Curse of Vanishing
          - Depth Strider
          - Efficiency
          - Feather Falling
          - Fire Aspect
          - Fire Protection
          - Flame
          - Fortune
          - Frost Walker
          - Impaling
          - Infinity
          - Knockback
          - Looting
          - Loyalty
          - Luck of the Sea
          - Lure
          - Mending
          - Multishot
          - Piercing
          - Power
          - Projectile Protection
          - Protection
          - Punch
          - Quick Charge
          - Respiration
          - Riptide
          - Sharpness
          - Silk Touch
          - Smite
          - Soul Speed
          - Sweeping Edge
          - Thorns
          - Unbreaking
          - Adventure
          - Creative
          - Demo
          - Hardcore
          - Spectator
          - Survival
          - Iron Shovel
          - Iron Pickaxe
          - Iron Axe
          - Flint and Steel
          - Apple
          - Bow
          - Arrow
          - Coal
          - Charcoal
          - Diamond
          - Iron Ingot
          - Gold Ingot
          - Iron Sword
          - Wooden Sword
          - Wooden Shovel
          - Wooden Pickaxe
          - Wooden Axe
          - Stone Sword
          - Stone Shovel
          - Stone Pickaxe
          - Stone Axe
          - Diamond Sword
          - Diamond Shovel
          - Diamond Pickaxe
          - Diamond Axe
          - Stick
          - Bowl
          - Mushroom Stew
          - Golden Sword
          - Golden Shovel
          - Golden Pickaxe
          - Golden Axe
          - String
          - Feather
          - Gunpowder
          - Wooden Hoe
          - Stone Hoe
          - Iron Hoe
          - Diamond Hoe
          - Golden Hoe
          - Wheat Seeds
          - Wheat
          - Bread
          - Leather Helmet
          - Leather Tunic
          - Leather Pants
          - Leather Boots
          - Chainmail Helmet
          - Chainmail Chestplate
          - Chainmail Leggings
          - Chainmail Boots
          - Iron Helmet
          - Iron Chestplate
          - Iron Leggings
          - Iron Boots
          - Diamond Helmet
          - Diamond Chestplate
          - Diamond Leggings
          - Diamond Boots
          - Golden Helmet
          - Golden Chestplate
          - Golden Leggings
          - Golden Boots
          - Flint
          - Raw Porkchop
          - Cooked Porkchop
          - Painting
          - Golden Apple
          - Enchanted Golden Apple
          - Sign
          - Oak Door
          - Bucket
          - Water Bucket
          - Lava Bucket
          - Minecart
          - Saddle
          - Iron Door
          - Redstone
          - Snowball
          - Oak Boat
          - Leather
          - Milk Bucket
          - Brick
          - Clay
          - Sugar Canes
          - Paper
          - Book
          - Slimeball
          - Minecart with Chest
          - Minecart with Furnace
          - Egg
          - Compass
          - Fishing Rod
          - Clock
          - Glowstone Dust
          - Raw Fish
          - Raw Salmon
          - Clownfish
          - Pufferfish
          - Cooked Fish
          - Cooked Salmon
          - Ink Sack
          - Rose Red
          - Cactus Green
          - Coco Beans
          - Lapis Lazuli
          - Purple Dye
          - Cyan Dye
          - Light Gray Dye
          - Gray Dye
          - Pink Dye
          - Lime Dye
          - Dandelion Yellow
          - Light Blue Dye
          - Magenta Dye
          - Orange Dye
          - Bone Meal
          - Bone
          - Sugar
          - Sheep
          - Cow
          - Fox
          - Bat
          - Chicken
          - Cod
          - Ocelot
          - Pig
          - Rabbit
          - Salmon
          - Mooshroom
          - Squid
          - Tropical fish
          - Turtle
          - Villager
          - Wandering trader
          - Pufferfish
          - Donkey
          - Horse
          - Cat
          - Parrot
          - Mule
          - Skeleton horse
          - Dolphin
          - Polar bear
          - Trader llama
          - Llama
          - Panda
          - Wolf
          - Bee
          - Iron golem
          - Spider
          - Cave Spider
          - Enderman
          - Zombie Pigman
          - Evoker
          - Vindicator
          - Pillager
          - Ravager
          - Vex
          - Chicken Jockey
          - Endermite
          - Guardian
          - Elder Guardian
          - Shulker
          - Skeleton Horseman
          - Husk
          - Stray
          - Phantom
          - Blaze
          - Creeper
          - Ghast
          - Magma Cube
          - Silverfish
          - Skeleton
          - Slime
          - Spider Jockey
          - Zombie
          - Zombie Villager
          - Drowned
          - Wither Skeleton
          - Witch
          - Hoglin
          - Piglin
          - Absorption
          - Bad Luck
          - Bad Omen
          - Blindness
          - Conduit Power
          - Dolphin's Grace
          - Fatal Poison
          - Fire Resistance
          - Glowing
          - Haste
          - Health Boost
          - Hero of the Village
          - Hunger
          - Instant Damage
          - Instant Health
          - Invisibility
          - Jump Boost
          - Levitation
          - Luck
          - Mining Fatigue
          - Nausea
          - Night Vision
          - Poison
          - Regeneration
          - Resistance
          - Saturation
          - Slow Falling
          - Slowness
          - Speed
          - Strength
          - Water Breathing
          - Weakness
          - Wither
Available Functions
Faker().minecraft.achievement() // => Acquire Hardware
Faker().minecraft.biome() // => Badlands
Faker().minecraft.blocks() // => Stone
Faker().minecraft.enchantment() // => Aqua Affinity
Faker().minecraft.gameMode() // => Adventure
Faker().minecraft.items() // => Iron Shovel
Faker().minecraft.mobs() // => Sheep
Faker().minecraft.statusEffect() // => Absorption