data class ParameterInfo: Any

Provides additional information about Class parameter to custom defined generators. The reason why KParameter is not used is that you will want to provide additional information about parameter that is not available in KParameter class.


Name Description
val index: Int

0-based index of this parameter in the parameter list of its containing callable.

val name: String

Name of this parameter as it was declared in the source code, or null if the parameter has no name or its name is not available at runtime. Examples of nameless parameters include this instance for member functions, extension receiver for extension functions or properties, parameters of Java methods compiled without the debug information, and others.

val isOptional: Boolean

true if this parameter is optional and can be omitted when making a call via KCallable.callBy, or false otherwise.

A parameter is optional in any of the two cases:

  1. The default value is provided at the declaration of this parameter.
  2. The parameter is declared in a member function and one of the corresponding parameters in the super functions is optional.
val isVararg: Boolean

true if this parameter is vararg. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.

val type: KType

Type of this parameter. For a vararg parameter, this is the type of the corresponding array, not the individual element.

val kind: Kind

Kind of this parameter. Kind represents a particular position of the parameter declaration in the source code, such as an instance, an extension receiver parameter or a value parameter.



constructor(index: Int, name: String, isOptional: Boolean, isVararg: Boolean, type: KType, kind: Kind)

Provides additional information about Class parameter to custom defined generators. The reason why KParameter is not used is that you will want to provide additional information about parameter that is not available in KParameter class.


Name Description
index: Int
name: String
isOptional: Boolean
isVararg: Boolean
type: KType
kind: Kind