class TechFaker: Any

Provides access to fake data generators within the Tech domain.

Each category (generator) from this TechFaker is represented by a property that (usually) has the same name as the .yml dictionary file.


Name Description
val app: App
val appliance: Appliance
val camera: Camera
val computer: Computer
val cryptoCoin: CryptoCoin
val device: Device
val drone: Drone
val electricalComponents: ElectricalComponents
val hacker: Hacker
val programmingLanguage: ProgrammingLanguage
val space: Space
val vehicle: Vehicle



constructor(config: FakerConfig)

Provides access to fake data generators within the Tech domain.

Each category (generator) from this TechFaker is represented by a property that (usually) has the same name as the .yml dictionary file.


Name Description
config: FakerConfig